2019/07/19 PLAYLIST

Rupert HolmesLight Mellow – Sealine [Disc 2: Daylight Calm]Escape (The Pina Colada Song)
Christopher CrossChristopher CrossSailing
The Red Garland TrioGroovyC Jam Blues
冨田ラボShiplaunchingLike A Queen
Miles Davis SextetJazz At The PlazaStraight, No Chaser
The RippingtonsWelcome To The St. James’ ClubI Watched Her Walk Away
Ivan Lins & Leonardo AmuedoIvan Lins & Metropole OrchestraDaquilo Que Eu Sei
Stacey KentBreakfast On The Morning TramSo Romantic
Don Grusin & Bill SharpeTrans AtlanticaChance Encounters
Higashi bandHigashi band rec 1995 2So What
サザンオールスターズ海のYeah!! [Disc 2]愛の言霊 ~Spiritual Message~
さだまさし新自分風土記 I ~望郷篇~防人の詩
葉加瀬太郎ALL TIME BEST [Disc 1]情熱大陸2018 ~ Full Orchestra Ver.
Bob James TrioStraight UpJames
David PackAnywhere You GoAnywhere You Go
David PackAnywhere You GoI Just Can’t Let Go
David PackAnywhere You GoMy Baby
David PackAnywhere You GoDo Ya
David PackAnywhere You GoJust Be You
David PackAnywhere You GoThat Girl Is Gone